Dateiumleitung: STDERR und STDOUT in eine Datei umlenken (wichtig, erst Dateiname dann 2>&1 command ... > output.log 2>&1 Useful options for mswordview to convert Doc97 to HTML long descriptive options: mswordview --notablewidth --norevisions --mainonly --noannotations short form: mswordview -k -r -m -a Q: Wie kann ich erreichen, dass das Hintergrundbild einer HTML-Seite nur einmal dargestellt wird und nicht gekachelt. A: Unter normalem HTML ist das derzeit (8/98) nicht moeglich. Mit CSS ist dieser Effekt allerdings durch folgende Zeilen machbar: body { background: url(image.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; } ------------------------------------------------- Important if you run psql, the postgres terminal inside emacs In the emacs buffer you don't need the pager, in most cases it is only annoying. Turn it off with: \pset pager or \pset pager tee Or even better use command line paramters to force direct output: psql -P pager=tee -U run my_database ------------------------------------------------- Compiled-in modules (for apache): httpd -l http_core.c mod_so.c httpd -M to list loaded modules /usr/sbin/apache -S to check the configured virtual hosts Customization of logging: Any http header can be included in the logfiles with the generic syntax: %{header-name}i (for requests/input) %{header-name}o (for response/output) A typical example of this technique is the commonly used: %{Referer}i Includding the IP-Address of the server: Under some circumstances it might be useful to have the ip address of the webserver in the logfile (if the server has multiple ip interfaces or uses multiple ip addresses) %A Exclude requests for images from the logfile if the HTML page, in which they are embedded is on the same server. . SetEnvIf Referer "^" local_referrer=1 CustomLog logs/access.log combined env=!local_referrer ------------------------------------------------- Commandline to extract the icons from Fvwm2: sed -e "s/%small\.[^\.]\+\.xpm%//" .fvwm2rc ------------------------------------------------- To set the date of pMar.dat to: April, 3rd 21:34 2000 use: touch -t 0403213400 pMar.dat ------------------------------------------------- Instead of the dos2unix wrapper of recode ibmpc..lat1 that also converts german umlauts use the following one shot perl script if you only want to convert linebreaks perl -e 'while (<>) { chomp; chop; print $_, "\n"; }' FILE Of course you can also read the man/info pages and find out that recode /CR-LF or short recode /cl does the same linebreak conversion. And as recode is taylored for conversion its probably faster than the perl script. BTW, 'recode ms-ansi/cl..h3' does convert the non 7Bit clean characters to HTML entities. The h4 surface might be even more useful, especially if you want to do it the other way round and revert the entities into single (or for utf multibyte) characters. recode h4..latin1 The fact `recode' is a filter makes it quite easy to use from within GNU Emacs. For example, recoding the whole buffer from the IBM-PC charset to current charset (Latin-1 on Unix) is easily done with: C-x h C-u M-| recode ibmpc RET The `C-x h' selects the whole buffer, and `C-u M-|' filters and replaces the current region through the given shell command. Here is another example, binding the keys `C-c T' to the recoding of the current region from Easy French to Latin-1 (on Unix) and the key `C-u C-c T' from Latin-1 (on Unix) to Easy French: (global-set-key "\C-cT" 'recode-texte) (defun recode-texte (flag) (interactive "P") (shell-command-on-region (region-beginning) (region-end) (concat "recode " (if flag "..txte" "txte")) t) (exchange-point-and-mark)) Version Control: run-ediff-from-cvs-buffer can be used during a merge ** Subversion ** If you don't want to use the standard repository layout that will be created by cvs2svn with the directories trunk, branches and tags on the top level of the repository svn (this is the Unix-directory with subdirs conf, dav, db, lock, etc.) | +-- trunk | | | + myproject | +-- branches | +-- tags but instead want to use the structure that is used in the examples of the subversion book / | +-- myproject | | | +-- trunk | +-- branches | +-- tags | +-- otherproject (might come in the future) | +-- trunk +-- branches +-- tags use the following options --trunk=myproject/trunk --branches=myproject/branches --tags=myproject/tags Instead of using the option with cvs2svn you can specify the --parent-dir option of svnadmin. To be precise it is not exactly what is used in the subversion book, because cvs2svn will always create a named directory below the trunk, while the subversion book structure will have the files directly there. / | +-- myproject | | | +-- trunk | | +-- myproject ["myproject" is repeated] | | | fileA.c | | | fileB.c | | | +-- branches | | +-- one-branch | | | fileA.c | | | fileB.c The subversion book: / | +-- myproject | | | +-- trunk | | | fileA.c | | | fileB.c | | | +-- branches | | +-- one-branch | | | fileA.c | | | fileB.c Creating branches might be easier with the layout of the subversion book as it is simply: svn copy myproject/trunk myproject/branches/new-branch instead of svn copy myproject/trunk/myproject myproject/branches/new-branch